Growing Up with Jessica: A True Story
Blessed by the Unexpected Parenting of a Special Needs Child
Book Description:
An award winning true story, told clearly and passionately by Jessica’s father. It is moving as well as inspiring. Shaken to the very roots of their faith, Walker’s found understanding and ultimate victory as they ‘grew up’ as the unexpected caregivers of Jessica. An experience that has become a great blessing for their entire family.
A very touching and inspiring adventure that is part mystery, part tragedy, and 100% inspirational. It will take you on an emotional roller coaster ride through tragedy, love, faith, hope and blessings. You will finally emerge, touched and inspired, with a ‘full heart.’
‘Growing Up with Jessica’ has won multiple awards:
First Place for ‘Best Parenting Book’ (2013 Christian Choice Book Awards)
One of Three overall ‘Grand Prize Winners’ (2013 Christian Choice Book Awards)
Short Excerpt:
“…Renée screamed in fright in a way that I had never heard before, and as I whirled around I could see Jessica in her arms jerking and twisting violently and then suddenly going limp… her eyes half open and rolled back in her head, her skin was as white as death, and above Jessica’s limp and hanging form I could see Renée’s trance-like wide-eyed stare, as if to say… ‘This can’t be happening!’ (‘Growing Up with Jessica, Second Edition,’ p42)
Unique Features:
• The author is Jessica’s father, sharing from actual experience as a 24/7 caregiver since 1978.
• The content is a first person, honest sharing of a family victoriously facing their worst nightmare.
• ‘Growing Up with Jessica,’ is highly recommended by International Author & Speaker Josh McDowell, who contributed not only the ‘Foreword’ but also lots of encouragement.
• This book is the first book in the ‘Growing Up with Jessica,’ series which now totals 3 books.
• The book contains 26 black and white photos.
FAM033000-Family & Relationships: Children with Special Needs
FAM012000-Family & Relationships: Parent & Adult Child
FAM028000-Family & Relationships: Learning Disabilities
Author Quote:
“It is possible to have a broken heart and be filled with joy. Our family has truly been blessed by the unexpected appearance of little Jessica Elizabeth, she truly is our ‘blessed one… consecrated to God.”
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Highly Recommended by Josh McDowell, Internationally Acclaimed Author & Speaker.
“I encourage you to read this book because it will touch you, minister to you and my hope is that you will conclude, as I did, that you will become a better person and parent as the result…”
What do Readers take away from this title?
“…I know I won’t be able to find the proper words to describe how I felt while reading it and when I was finished. What best describes what I am thinking and feeling is the statement: ‘My heart is full.’ ”
“…this is an excellent book… I am so glad you shared your story. It was heartfelt and I admire your courage, faith and love of Jessica. God bless you.”
“…this was the best discussion our book club has ever had… what a great experience for all of us…”
“…everyone loved the ‘dream chapter’ and thought it was extremely powerful… also the paragraph about Jessica in heaven was such a beautiful picture.”
“…I feel closer to God in ways that I can’t find the words to express. Thank you. You did a wonderful job of sharing your story… ”
“…Once I started,I could not put it down until I finished. It is a powerful book. One everyone should read.”
“…it is my prayer that this book will… touch a million more people the way it has touched me…”